Lime wall finish fine
Lime plaster with good adhesion for making both smooth and structural surfaces indoors.
Lime plaster with good adhesion for making both smooth and structural surfaces indoors.
Lime wall finish fine is a mineral dry mixture with good adhesion for making both smooth and structural surfaces indoors. The granularity is provided by marble sieves, and the mixture is available in two different grain sizes (1.4mm and 0.9mm). The mixture can be used to fill minor irregularities in the base surface and can be made structural using various techniques. Also suitable for damp rooms. The lime wall finish comes in a natural white colour that we tint with Kreidezeit powder pigments, and we make personal colour samples. You can familiarize yourself with the shades in the salon. A very good base for further work with glaze colours and can also be painted with lime paint.
Sobib kõikidele tugevatele ja kergelt imavatele aluspindadele, mineraalsed krohvid, eelnevalt lauspahteldatud ja krunditud kisplaat, betoon.
We sell the material according to square meters and take into account the specifics of the base surface's absorbency. The average cost of applying in one layer is 1,5 kg. The price of the base material is €8.05/m2, plus the price of the pigment according to the shade.