Marmor-lubipahtel, paigaldus Eksklusiivviimistlus OÜ

Viimistlustööd Haim meistritelt

People spend most of their lives indoors, so it is very important to consider the materials we surround ourselves with. Particular care needs to be taken when choosing finishing materials that come into direct contact with air. Materials in contact with the air are most likely to react with airborne particles in the air we breathe, which are harmful to our health. Our finishing materials can be used to safely create a cosy atmosphere in the home and refreshing effects in the office.

We have a team of master craftsmen who provide decorative finishing services. They have extensive training and long experience with the finishing materials we offer. We currently offer our services mainly in Harju County.

In order to issue a quote, we need to know the following details:

  • Location of the object
  • objekti maht (ruutmeetrid, lae kõrgus, võimalusel joonised)
  • choice of finishing material and tone
  • viimistlustöödeks planeeritud aeg

Feel free to contact us for a quote or more information!